Dr. Chris Collins
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Stress Less and Grow More

About me

I know that all underlying problems in our health create an endless cycle where those health problems cause more stress which causes more health problems and so on and so on. The question is — which underlying problems does one solve for first?

Your nervous system holds the key to unlocking your potential to be truly well.

No matter what you do, if your nervous system is not functioning optimally, your body is not functioning optimally.

In my work, I begin every discussion of a client’s health status with the need to check and test the proper function of the nervous system. Beyond this, there are numerous ways I can support clients in finding their path to prevention and management of stress.

Through personalized support, a curated network of providers, and holistic education, my hope is to bring greater access to communities as a resource for healthy living.

Follow me on Instagram @dr.chriscollins